Leon Muller Scholarship

Scholarship Application Form Directions

Eligibility for this scholarship is based primarily on financial need. You will be asked to prove your eligibility for this scholarship. The proof will be in the form of copies of the parent’s tax returns and the student’s tax returns, if applicable. Please white out any social security numbers for privacy. Any other documentary written evidence can also be provided.

We are desirous of providing you with a scholarship for four consecutive years while you are attending school. You will be required on a semester basis to prove that you are a student in good standing. We will send the annual allotment of scholarship money directly to the institution you are attending as soon as you have provided the information we have requested.

With your scholarship packet please include: 250 word essay explaining your educational goals, Official High School Academic Transcript, and Two Letters of Recommendation from persons not related to the applicant.


Mail To:
Phoenix Lodge #168 F. &A. M.
Attn: Leon Muller Scholarship
24 N. Franklin Turnpike
Ramsey, NJ 07446