Becoming a Freemason can be one of the most significant events of your life. From the moment you become a Brother, you will feel immediate acceptance and Brotherly love.
If you are interested, we hope the information on this page will be a good starting point on your journey to the East.
“Freemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy, and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the cause of virtue and morality”
Becoming a Mason
• Membership in Phoenix Lodge No. 168 is open to all men 18 years of age or older - regardless of race, color, or religion. Our membership requirements are very clear:
• You must be of good character and reputation. You’ll have to provide evidence of living a positive life through references from at least one Mason and three other people.
• You must believe in a Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul. This belief is not proscribed - rather, we encourage you to be steadfast in the faith of your choice.
If you meet these requirements, the next thing you should do is talk to a Mason. If you have a friend who is a Mason, don't wait for him to ask you to join, because he won't. Masonic law explicitly forbids this - every member must join of their own free will and accord.
Finally, you need to petition a lodge. A petition can be obtained from a Freemason, or by contacting us:
Please contact the Lodge:
Phoenix Lodge
Tel No. 201-677-8085
Snail Mail:
Phoenix Lodge
24 N. Franklin Tpk.
Ramsey, NJ 07446-2016
The First Steps
Start the process by completing a petition/application for membership.
The next step is to submit your petition to our lodge. The petition is read in a Lodge meeting and referred to a committee (usually composed of three members). This committee then interviews you - usually right in your home, so that your family can ask any questions that they may have.
After the interview, the committee reports its findings to the Lodge, and a ballot is taken. If the vote is favorable, you’ll be notified by mail and you’ll be given a date to start the degree program.
The Degree Process
Our Fraternity’s private nature sometimes creates misconceptions about our “initiation ceremonies.” Rest assured that we are a moral institution whose tenets are Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love. Masonry teaches us to practice charity and benevolence, and to revere ordinances of - but not replace - any man’s religion. Quite simply, our Fraternity exists to make good men better.
Our three degrees are serious, educational, time-tested teachings. Each degree has a primary lesson. The first teaches us our duty to God. The second teaches us our duty to our neighbors. And the third degree teaches us our duty to ourselves.
To convey our teachings, we use ritual, ceremony, drama, lectures, and sometimes even musical accompaniment. You’ll work closely with a coach who will help you learn some of the key material in the Ritual. After completing the first and second degrees, you’ll be given an assessment to make sure you understand what you've just experienced.
Upon the completion of the third degree, you’ll become a Master Mason, and be eligible for all that Masonry has to offer you, which includes:
• Worldwide Brotherhood
• Fellowship
• Male bonding
• Meaningful community service
• Camaraderie with other moral men
• Much more